
Primobolan Depot from Schering is not available in high supply. The steroid is manufactured by Schering only in some countries in Europe. Also, this steroid is not available in the United States of America. The FDA has not approved the use of Methenolone in the US and only some doctors import it for specific cases in rare situations.

Another common problem is that counterfeit versions of Primobolan Depot are available. Therefore, you need to find out first if your supplier is genuine. Even though the supply of Schering Primobolan Depot is low, there are many underground labs that carry injectable Methenolone. This injectable version is much more available than the oral tablet. But, there are low grade products everywhere and these have contaminated versions which have low doses or just a single ester Testosterone labelled as Methenolone. This is especially unfortunate considering the high price tag.

Primobolan Depot costs much higher than other Anabolic steroids. This high price is partly due to its reputation during the Golden Age of Bodybuilding and because it is so mild and tolerable.


It is possible to buy Primobolan Depot online. There are suppliers who stock the genuine product and there also some underground labs who manufacture a good version. But there is always a risk of being duped by the supplier into buying a low grade product. There is also a legal risk. In America, anabolic steroids are categorized as Schedule III controlled substances as part of the Steroid Control Act of 1990. This was later enhanced in the Steroid Control Act of 2004. According to this act, a prescription is mandatory in order to legally buy and carry any Anabolic steroid.

Also, the prescription should not be just need-based, but has to be accepted as a genuine need by the government. Many other countries also have similar laws but not as strict as the US. Some countries are more lenient but most of them do not approve of online purchases of Primobolan Depot.